have sold their soul to Universal and Sony Music!
This is not for what we DJs, remixer and producer made you so incredibly big and famous!
All the joy Soundcloud was is getting sucked out of it, well known mixtapes disappeared, tracks and even important accounts have been deleted!
But hey, finally in December 2016 you released your Spotify copy Soundcloud GO in Germany, and I really was amused about the first user comments and negative reactions about your "so innovative" Spotify fake... what an great own goal score, well played guys, well played!
Your company is sinking like the Titanic... but faster! ?
And this online news confirms my theory (12.01.2017):
"Der Analyst Mark Mulligan schätzt laut Bloomberg, dass Soundcloud gerade einmal 250.000 Abonnenten für sein im März 2016 in den USA gestartetes Angebot (Soundcloud Go) gewinnen konnte. Das wären gerade einmal 0,1 Prozent der von Soundcloud genannten 175 Millionen Nutzer. ... Sollte sich das nicht ändern, dürfte es dem Start-up schwer fallen, die immer größere Ausgabenlücke zu schließen. ... Unter dem Strich stand (im Jahr 2015) ein Verlust von 51 Millionen Euro. Das Minus war damit um mehr als 30 Prozent größer als 2014 (39 Millionen Euro)."
...blob, blob, blob, the water already flooded the machine room! ?
Update 01.02.2017 & 15.02.2017 as well as 16.02.2017:
Now you even try to copy the Facebook-update-method which means to release an update not because of a better version, but to delete all the bad evaluations at once every 2 weeks!
..."We struck an iceberg, and sinking by the head!" ?
Update 26.02.2017:
Hahaha ??? I just recognized that you bought positive fake reviews for your app in the iTunes store! Last week you had only negative ones (about 30), this week you have nearly 300 positive ones! What the hell is wrong with you Soundcloud? Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss why you dont manage a company that is real 300 positive reviews worth instead of faking them...
oh I forgot - your new Soundcloud Go is based on copy paste and fake... damn! ?
...blob, blob, blob! Everyman for himself ?
Update 06.03.2017:
Today Ive read about your latest brilliant half-the-price marketing of your Soundcloud Go and the newest Soundcloud Go+ subscription plan for only 4,99€ per month! Its just a emergency-sell-out move to keep your company alive, isnt it...
wait, alive? Maybe yes, but plugged in into a respirator! ?
So many wrong decisions... unbelievable! Really like on the real Titanic ? But the sad end we all can imagine!
TropicalHeat about SoundCloud: Discover New Music, v5.0.1